Exterior Millwork Making the Shed Door Historic Porch in Progress
The most valuable tool I have, to execute any project I get involved with, is my carpentry millwork shop. Even with something as simple as this shed door going into the historic porch replication millwork project I’m currently making. This door needed to be built and installed before any casework or siding could be installed as a matter of building process. So I started with measurements and headed to the shop. This door was made from marine plywood and vertical grain dried smooth cedar. Once material was cut to size and milled as needed, it becomes necessary to assemble and secure all the parts with glue and screws. I tried out the edge of the door slab with 3/4″ cedar so you couldn’t see the plywood edge. Then I made a VG cedar jamb with stops, with galvanized hinges with brass pins. The door slab itself has 2×4 cedar backing on the inside that I hope will keep the door from warping over the years. If not then it can be put under tension with a shim where needed to take any warp out. Even with something as simple as this door its always best to use highest quality material and mindset, looking ahead into the future of its long term usage.
This Shed door is just one small step in the over all, in progress historic back porch and stair I’m replicating. This is the second post about this project. Here is a link to the first one introducing the project: VIEW PROJECT